Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Favorite image from Spring Break

i chose this picture as one of my favorite from my break because this is one of my favorite places to go. me and my best friend would always come here to just think things through and talk about it since we were like 16 years old . it has an amazing view especially during the night.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Portrait Diptych

 Good student vs Bad student
In the first picture it shows that if you study and work hard you can get good grades as some people call only "geeks". In my next picture it shows that if you dont like studying and like slacking off you end up getting bad grades.

Jumping vs Falling
In this picture it shows that result of whats going to happen when your jumping in the air and then falling and getting hurt.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Surrealistic Photo Montage

My photo that i made is about how dreams can always be anything and everything you want them to be and how when you dream you can get away from things that you dont want to be around its like putting yourself in your own small world kind of. Also how you can always make your dreams into reality if you really wanted to.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Surrealistic Theme

My theme for my surrealistic project is about dreams. Basically im going to put myself in front of a mirror standing with my hand out to the mirror going into it and the mirror is going to be another dimesion/world or the future through it. The backround of the picture is going to show what my dream is. This is going to represent that anything that you dream can come into real life if you wanted it to if you can just imagine that it can all really happen and actually believe it.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Surrealism : Digital VS Traditional

Georgie Grie - was born on may 14, 1962. he graduated from Stat University in 1985 with a BA (honors) Degree in Fine Art and applied Design education. he had decided to transform his artistic ways when he settled in Toronto, Canada and studied the latest computer digital art techniques. Then he became a professional Multimedia Graphic Designer and joins IBM corporation as a lead new media specialist. His main interest in contemporary 3D modeling software and their applications. His previous fine-art experience and classical painting education in new digital projects brings him freedom of self-expression.

Kurt Schwitters - was born on june 20, 1887. In 1905 he produced his first pictures. He studiied at the Royal Saxon Axcademy of Art in Dresden on the recomendation of his teacher in 1909. He completed most of his works from 1919 to 1950. From 1923 on he worked as a commercial artist, graphic designer and typographer for several companies He was considered to be one of the classic Dada/Surrealist artists and the master of making collages. Kurt died in Ambleside on 8 January 1948. his life work was only appreciated after his death thats when people noticed how great he was.

Artist Name : Georgie Grie
Title : ice age prmonition or infinite iceberg synthesizer
Date : 2007

Description : i think that this picture has the rule of thirds because its picture is right in the center where your suppose to look straight at where everything is commming from. theres always alot going on in his photos because he makes sure that theres always more meaning to more then one thing that can be different if there apart.
Analysis : this picture shows that thers darkness to pull you in mainly because of the backround but also its symmetrically vertical because everything around the subject is the same.
Interpretation : i think that this picture means when your at the bottom you always have to start small and when you go through the spiral stairs theres always going to be twists and turns in your life and when you get to thetop you accomplished something great and you get to see how beautiful life is.
Judgement : i think it came out successful in telling what they needed to say because you can clearly see what there saying in the picture.

Artist Name: Kurt Schwitters
Title : light Center
Date: 1919

Description : i think that this picture has many different dark and light colors to it to show different aspects especially since theres alot of bright colors in the middle and keeps going out darker and darker round it
Analysis : this picture shows that theres alot of illusions in it since it is a collage and was made out of many different things you can think of it as anything you want it to be not just one thing
Interpretation : i think that this picture means that life can be complicated but also confusing and frustrating at times
Judgement : i think that this picture as well came out successful because it makes you think in many different ways on what it really is and what it means but shows a sense of understanding because i think that my interpretation of it you can connect to it in a way

Digital VS Traditional - even though these are two very completely different pictures they do say alot about eachother in similiar ways especially about how life can be complicated but simple if you just get through it . i think that Geogie's picture is easier to understand since it is just a picture of one single thing but even looking at it you can see all the different obstacles he has put in it to show you that one thing can be many different things. In Kurt Schwitter's collage i really liked it because its all jumbled up into different pieces you cant really tell what it is but if you really look into it and the way that the colors are placed you can see what he was trying to tell you. i think that digital photos are easier to determine and explain and that traditional photos you have to take more of an intake to know what the person is trying to tell you.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Partner Portrait

where id rather be - this is where im going into the closet of narnia

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Artist Inspirations

Akif Hakan Celebi

Tony Barnes

Nick Knight

Nicole Rork

Chris Creymer

Akif Hakan Celebi

Nicole Rork

Ruven Afanador

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Life

My Name : Alba Ramos
Childhood Ambition : to make a change
Fondest Meory : going to Puerto Rico for the first time
Soundtrack : Trey songz - Love Faces
Retreat : Japan
Proudest Moment : learning how to drive
Biggest Challenge : trying to succeed in everything
Alarm Clock : my mom
Perfect Day : a day out with friends just making life an adventure
First Job : haven't had one yet
Indulgence : chinese food and shoes
Last purchase : pack of starbursts
Favorite Movie : A Walk to Remember
My Life : could be a bit better ..